Introducing principled engagement / Morten B. Pedersen and David Kinley
The theoretical case for principled management / Morten B. Pedersen
Ten principles for engagement / Chris Sidotti
Engaging with all actors of violence : necessity, duty and dilemmas from an ICRC delegate's perspective / Pierre Gentile
Engaging China on human rights / Ann Kent
The ILO and forced labour in Myanmar / Richard Horsey
Principled engagement and public health : donors and HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe / Jolyon Ford and Joel Nagin
Engaging business in the business of human rights / Justine Nolan and Auret van Heerden
Wrestling with shadows : principled engagement with violent economies and repressive regimes that rule them / James Cockayne
Development as a vehicle for principled engagement on human rights : the implications of "new aid" / David Kinley
"New aid modalities" : an opportunity or threat to principled engagement on human rights / Mac Darrow.
Principled engagement : negotiating human rights in repressive states. ISBN 9781409455387. Published by Ashgate in 2013. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.