A city with a great library is a great city
Libraries : the 'sacred' spaces of modernity
What you see is what you get? : key aspects of library
A new wave of library architecture
Developing the brief and establishing a project management team
Places and partners
Programme and people : the changing library programme
A vital space for children and young people
Public library case studies : Barcelona; Bournemouth; Brighton; Canada Water; Cardiff; Dagenham; Ewell; Glasgow Bridge; Hook; Huntingdon; Newcastle; Norwich; Whitechapel; Winchester
Academic library case studies : Aberdeen University; Cranfield University; Sheffield University, Commons; Sheffield University, Western Library; Surrey University
Lessons from the case studies and post-occupancy evaluation
21st century libraries : changing forms, changing functions.
Contemporary library architecture : a planning and design guide by Ken Worpole. ISBN 9780415592307. Published by Routledge in 2013. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.