Debating Orientalism

Debating Orientalism

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Descriptive Notes

1. Orientalism: Legacies of a Performance; Anna Bernard and Ziad Elmarsafy 2. Orientalism's Contribution to World History and Middle Eastern History Thirty-Five Years Later; Peter Gran 3. Flaubert's Camel: Said's Animus; Robert Irwin 4. Said before Said; Donna Landry 5. Orienting America: Sanskrit and Modern Scholarship in the United States, 1836-1894; Rajeshwari Mishka Sinha 6. Re-Arabizing the De-Arabized: The Mista{u02BF}aravim Unit of the Palmach: Yonatan Mendel 7. Cannibalizing Iraq: Topos of a New Orientalism: Moneera al-Ghadeer 8. Confessions of a Dangerous (Arab) Mind: Orientalism and Confession Beyond Said and Foucault: Andrea Teti 9. The 'War on Terror' and the Backlash against Orientalism: Robert Spencer 10. 'The Defeat of Narrative by Vision': Said and the Image: Nicholas Tromans 11. How Much is Enough Said? Some Gendered Responses to Orientalism: Joanna de Groot 12. Said's Impact: Lessons for Literary Critics: Nicholas Harrison.

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Debating Orientalism. ISBN 9780230303522. Published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2013. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.