Prevalence and social causes of spanking
The social and scientific context of research on spanking
Corporal punishment in the United States
Spanking in world perspective
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
Approval of violence and spanking children
Spanking and child behavior problems
Chapter 6:the boomerang effect of spanking
Impulsive spanking, never spanking and child well-being
The child-to-mother bond and delinquency
Spanking and risky sex
Spanking and human capital
Mental ability
College graduation
Spanking and crime
What explains the link between spanking and assaulting a partner?
Assault and injury of dating partners by university students in 32 nations
Cultural context & the relation of spanking to crime
Spanking high risk children and adult crime
Sexual coercion and sexual assault
Social trends in spanking
The decline in approval of spanking
Why everyone spanks toddlers and what to do about it
Implications for crime and violence in society
Obstacles to accepting the evidence
A world without spanking
The primordial violence : spanking children, psychological development, violence, and crime by Murray A. Straus. ISBN 9781848729537. Published by Routledge in 2014. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.