Wedi'i gyhoeddi hefyd yn Saesneg = Also published in English: Health and emotional wellbeing.
Emotional Well-being includes: What is Well-Being Coping with Change Coping with Stress Building Motivation Learning to Listen Coping with Loss and Bereavement Self-Harm Suicide Managing Anger Assertiveness Skills Conflict Management Coping with Peer Pressure Focus on Solutions Atebol Mae Lles Emosiynol yn cynnwys: Teimlo n Dda Delio a Newid Delio a Straen Cymhelliant Dysgu Gwrando Delio a Cholled a Phrofedigaeth Hunananafu Hunanladdiad Delio a Dicter Sgiliau bod yn Hyderus a Phendant Rheoli Gwrthdaro Delio a Dylanwad Cyfoedion Chwilio am Atebion Atebol.
Iechyd a lles emosiynol by Tina Rae. ISBN 9781909666108. Published by @ebol in 2013. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.