The controversy between Galvani and Volta over animal electricity : the first stage
Galvani's work in the scientific culture of the late eighteenth century
Volta's early research on animal electricity : quantification, muscular physiology, and the "special theory of contact electricity"
Galvani's Trattato dell'arco conduttore : the criticism against Volta and the notion of a circuit of animal electricity
The controversy between Galvani and Volta over animal electricity : the second stage
Volta's "general theory of contact electricity"
Galvani's reply to Volta's criticisms and the1797 Memorie sulla elettricità animale
Galvani's research on electric fish and the various forms of electricity
The conclusion of the Galvani-Volta controversy
The electrophysiological work of Alessandro Volta
Volta and life sciences
Volta's research on sensations
Sensation and muscular motion in Volta's "chain" experiments
Volta's research on electric fishes and the invention of the electric battery
From Galvani to Hodgkin and beyond : the central problem of electrophysiology in the last two centuries
Measuring animal electricity
Nervous conduction : propagated electric signal and the firing of a train of gun-powder
The involvement of animal electricity in nerve conduction demonstrated
Neuromuscular excitability : the modern explanation
Cell membrane and ions : a machine generating electric potentials
The electric mechanism of nerve conduction and muscle excitation
Concluding remarks.
Shocking frogs : Galvani, Volta, and the electric origins of neuroscience by Marco Piccolino. ISBN 9780199782161. Published by Oxford University Press in 2013. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.