How liberals and conservatives feel and think about foreign countries
Beyond "liberal" vs. "conservative" : four dimensions of American ideology
The moral foundations of ideology and international attitudes
The foreign policy orientations of liberals and conservatives : nationalism, internationalism, and realism/idealism
Knowledge, the media, and the world : ideology in social context
Latin America : liberal and conservative moralities of immigration and foreign aid
Europe : "socialist" France, Mother England, Brother Germany, and the EU "antichrist"
The Middle East : Christian zionism, the Israel lobby, and the "Holy Land"
East Asia : "Red China," "free Asia," and the "Yellow Peril"
International organizations and treaties : "blue helmets," "black helicopters," and "satanic serpents"
Ideology : why politics does not end at water's edge.
The politics of American foreign policy : how ideology divides liberals and conservatives over foreign affairs by Peter Hays Gries. ISBN 9780804790888. Published by Stanford University Press in 2014. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.