What is money?
The role of the City of London as a financial centre and the international financial institutions
The corporate governance failings in financial institutions and directors legal liability
The UK response to the credit crisis
Bank regulation and supervision
The banker and customer relationship and the unfair terms in banking contracts
Duties arising under the banker and customer relationship
The bank as the fiduciary
The nature of the overdrawn account and the bank's self-help remedies
Bills of exchange
Cheques as negotiable instruments
Third party rights : wrongful dealings and liability
Money laundering
Nature and type of electronic funds transfers systems
Plastic money
Overdrafts and bank loans
Recovery of money paid by mistake
Securities for bank borrowing.
Banking law by Anu Arora. ISBN 9781408297841. Published by Pearson in 2014. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.