Proceedings of the tenth Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiqiuty conference held from 21 to 24 March 2013 in Ottawa, Canada.
Part I. Homiletics and disputation
Medicine in transition : Christian adaptation in the later fourth-century East / Wendy Mayer
Le De Obitu Theodosii dʹAmbroise (395) : une refonte des genres littéraires dans le creuset du sermon politique / Tiphaine Moreau
Jeromeʹs De viris illustribus and new genres for Christian disputation in late antiquity / Colin Whiting
The transformation of heresiology in the Panarion of Epiphanius of Cyprus / Young Richard Kim
Part II. Ecclesiastical genres
Adapter le genre du bréviaire plutôt quʹécrire une histoire ecclésiastique? Enquête sur le choix historiographique de Liberatus de Carthage / Philippe Blaudeau
The emergence of papal decretals : the evidence of Zosimus of Rome / Geoffrey D. Dunn
Collectio Avellana and the unspoken Ostrogoths : historical reconstruction in the sixth century / Dana Iuliana Viezure
Éléments apologétiques chez Victor de Vita : exemple dʹun genre littéraire en transition / Éric Fournier
Diabolical motivations : the devil in ecclesiastical histories from Eusebius to Evagrius / Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe
Part III. Visual genres
Producing distinction : aristocratic and imperial representation in the Constantinian age / Mariana Bodnaruk
Declaring victory, concealing defeat? Continuity and change in late Roman imperial coinage, c. AD 378-425 / Christopher Doyle
The importance of being Stilicho : diptychs as a genre / Alice Christ
Part IV. Procopius and literature in the sixth-century Eastern Empire
Power, taste and the outsider : Procopius and the buildings revisited / Federico Montinaro
Belisariusʹ second occupation of Rome and Periclesʹ last speech / Charles F. Pazdernik
Technical writing, genre and aesthetic in Procopius / Elodie Turquois
A Justinianic debate across genres on the state of the Roman Republic / Marion Kruse
Part V. Technical genres
The genre and purpose of military manuals in late antiquity / Conor Whately
Les contrats de travail dans lʹantiquité Tardive : évolution du droit, évolution dʹun genre? / Christel Freu
Natio, gens, provincialis, and civis : geographical representation of personal identity in late antiquity / Ralph Mathisen
Part VI. Other literary genres
The rhetoric of Varietas and epistolary encyclopedism in the Variae of Cassiodorus / Shane Bjornlie
Byzantine world chronicles : identities of genre / Sergei Mariev
Himerius and the personalization of the monody / Edward Watts.
Shifting genres in Late Antiquity. ISBN 9781472443489. Published by Ashgate in 2015. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.