Chapter 1: Geoculture, Solidarity, and Textual Politics in East and West German Writings about Latin America
Chapter 2: The Translator's Ghosts: Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Latin American Compromiso in Kursbuch and The Habana Inquiry
Chapter 3: Alternative Internationalisms and Literary Historical Inversions: Volker Braun's Guevara or the Sun State
Chapter 4: The Task of Decolonial Thinking: Second World Authorship in Heiner Müller's The Task
Chapter 5: A Rhetoric of Walking Around: F.C. Delius's Adenauerplatz
Chapter 6: The Limits of Aesthetic Solidarity
Appendix: "Walking Around" by Pablo Neruda, with a translation by Donald D. Walsh.
Revolutionary subjects : German literatures and the limits of aesthetic solidarity with Latin America by Jamie H. Trnka. ISBN 9783110376227. Published by De Gruyter in 2015. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.