About the Author
Part I: Understanding Parents and Child Rearing
Chapter 1: Introduction: From Beliefs to Evidence
Parenting Beliefs Throughout History
Authorities' Parenting Beliefs Throughout History
Other Sources of Parenting Beliefs
Using Research to Understand Parenting
Chapter 2: Theoretical Perspectives on Parenting
Introduction to Theory
Classical Theories
Biological, Genetic, and Environmental Influences
Social Learning and Social Theories
Family Systems Theory
Other Emotion-Based Theories
Developmental Stage Theories
Chapter 3: Approaches to Parenting Research
Comparing Approaches
Chapter 4: How Important Are Parents?
Historical Evidence About Parental Influence
Associations Between Parenting and Children’s Outcomes
The Behavioral Genetics Challenge
A New Perspective on How Parents Matter
Trajectories and Development
Chapter 5: Determinants of Parenting
Categories of Determinants
Cultural and Distal Determinants
Contextual Determinants
Stable Characteristics Determinants
Situational Determinants
Interrelations Among Determinants
Part II: Parenting and Development
Chapter 6: Becoming a Parent
Deciding to Have a Child
Getting Pregnant, Staying Pregnant, and Encountering Problems
Labor and Childbirth
The Preterm Newborn
Transitioning to Parenthood
Parenting the Newborn
The Problem of Infant Mortality
Ethical Issues
Chapter 7: Parenting Infants and Toddlers
Parenting Infants
Parenting Toddlers
Chapter 8: Parenting Preschoolers
Parenting a Preschooler
Contemporary Issues
Chapter 9: Parenting During the Middle Childhood Years
Parents and Within-Family Interactions
Parents and External Influences
Chapter 10: Parenting Adolescents
Developmental Changes in Adolescence
Problems for Adolescents and Their Parents
How Parents Help Teens Navigate Adolescence
Part III: Contemporary Issues
Chapter 11: Parenting in Nontraditional Families
Single Parents
Adolescent Mothers
ART Families
Adoptive Parents
Gay and Lesbian Parents
Blended/Stepparent Parents
Grandparents as Parents
Foster Parents
Parenting Emergent Adults
Chapter 12: Parents at Risk
Economic Factors
Parent Context
Chapter 13: Cultural Influences on Parenting
Parenting in Different Countries
Cultural Diversity Among North American Parents
Religion and Parenting
Chapter 14: Child Maltreatment: When Parenting Goes Awry
Child Maltreatment Throughout History
The Many Faces of Child Maltreatment
Child Maltreatment Across Time and Country
Protecting Maltreated Children: Foster Parents
The Costs of Child Maltreatment
Chapter 15: Social Policy Issues
The Changing American Family
The Societal Costs of Family Problems
Social Policy Responses
Controversial Social Policy Ideas
Appendix: Journals That Frequently Publish Studies Pertaining to Parenting
Author Index
Subject Index
Parenting : A Dynamic Perspective by George W. Holden. ISBN 9781483347493. Published by SAGE in 2015. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.