Ch. 13: Breton speakers in Brittany, France and Europe: constraints on the search for an identity, pp213-226; Ch. 14: Attitudes to linguistic change in Gaelic Scotland, pp227-236; Ch. 15: The poetry of speech in a lesser-used language, pp237-242; Ch. 16: A Tale of Two Dialects: standardization in modern spoken Welsh, pp243-264; Ch. 17: 'Tafodieithoedd Datguddiad Duw':the change in the voice of the Welsh Bible, pp265-280.
The changing voices of Europe : social and political changes and their linguistic repercussions, past, present and future : papers in honour of Professor Glanville Price. ISBN 0708312594. Published by the University of Wales Press in conjunction with the Modern Humanities Research Association in 1994. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.