Programm und Provokation = Program and provocation / Gerhard Mack
Personal Affair = Personal affair / Susanne Gysi
Nach Hause kommen = Coming home / Michael Gnehm
Luxuriöse Askese = Luxurious asceticism / Judit Solt
Raum und Design = Space and design / Claude Enderle
Bedarf und Bedürfnisse = Requisites and requirements / Markus Brändle-Ströh
Die Stadt zu Füssen = With the city at their feet / Benedikt Loderer
Standort, Wohnen, Identität = Location, housing, identity / André Odermatt
Leben in grosser Form = Large-scale living / Hubertus Adam.
Luxus Wohnen : Projekte von BGP zum individualisierten Wohnungsbau und 9 Essays = Luxury living : project by BGP for individualized house construction and 9 essays. ISBN 3764369655. Published by Birkhäuser in 2003. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.