A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance / [by] William Warmington. [Certaine selected epistles / by St Jerome]
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A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance / [by] William Warmington. [Certaine selected epistles / by St Jerome]

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Facsimile reprints.
'Certaine selected epistles' translated from the Latin by H. Hawkins.
'A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance' originally published: London : s.n., 1612.
This translation of 'Certaine selected epistles' originally published: St Omer : s.n., 1630.


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A moderate defence of the oath of allegiance / [by] William Warmington. [Certaine selected epistles / by St Jerome]. ISBN 0859672778. Published by Scolar Press in 1975. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments. is a Good Stuff website.