New approaches to ethnicity and diaspora in twentieth-century Latin America / Jeffrey Lesser and Raanan Rein
How the Jews became Japanese and other stories of nation and ethnicity / Jeffrey Lesser
What's in a stereotype? the case of Jewish anarchists in Argentina / Jose C. Moya
Beyond the state and ideology : immigration of the Jewish community to Brazil, 1937-1945 / Roney Cytrynowicz
The scene of the transaction : "Jewishness," money, and prostitution in the Brazilian imaginary / Erin Graff Zivin
Protest from afar : the Jewish and Republican presence in Victoria Ocampo's Revista sur in the 1930s and 1940s / Rosalie Sitman
Changing the landscape : the study of Argentine-Jewish women and new historical vistas / Sandra McGee Deutsch
Women's organizations and Jewish orphanages in Buenos Aires, 1918-1955 / Donna J. Guy
Nation and holocaust narration : Uruguay's Memorial del Holocausto del Pueblo Judío / Edna Aizenberg
Singing for social change : nostalgic memory and the struggle for belonging in a Buenos Aires Yiddish chorus / Natasha Zaretsky
The ethnic dilemmas of Latin American Jewry / Judah M. Cohen.
Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans. ISBN 9780826344014. Published by University of New Mexico Press in 2008. Publication and catalogue information, links to buy online and reader comments.