
Tony Eardley

139 published titles

After age 16 - what next? : services and benefits for young disabled people


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0951001965
  • Family Fund, Joseph Rowntree Memorial Trust
  • 1990
  • Details

Moving in old age : new directions in housing policies


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117014834
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1990
  • Details

Carers and services : a review of research


1 edition

  • ISBN: 011701494X
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1990
  • Details

Families caring for people diagnosed as mentally ill


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117014958
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1990
  • Details

Getting and spending : credit and debt in Britain


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1856280535
  • Avebury
  • 1990
  • Details

Thinking about workfare : evidence from the USA


2 editions

  • ISBN: 0117016160
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1991
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0117016160
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1991
  • Details

Perceptions of family credit


2 editions

  • ISBN: 0117016136
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1991
  • Details
  • ISBN: 0117016136
  • HMSO
  • 1991
  • Details

Income transfers in ten welfare states


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1856282252
  • Avebury
  • 1991
  • Details

Nursing by numbers? : setting stanffing levels for district nursing and health visiting services


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713102
  • University of York
  • 1992
  • Details

Dealing with debt : an evaluation of money advice services


1 edition

  • ISBN: 011701656X
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1992
  • Details

The costs of informal care : looking inside the household


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117016608
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1992
  • Details

Informal care in Europe : [proceedings of a conference held in York]


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713307
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 1993
  • Details

In their own homes : incorporating carers' and users' views in care management


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713358
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 1993
  • Details

Making it happen? : care management in practice


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713153
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 1993
  • Details

Community care in a multi-racial Britain : a critical review of the literature


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117017582
  • HMSO
  • 1993
  • Details

Different types of care, different types of carer : evidence from the General Household Survey


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117017833
  • HMSO
  • 1994
  • Details

Measuring low incomes : self-employment and Family Credit


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117017876
  • HMSO
  • 1994
  • Details

Unequal opportunities : growing up disabled


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117018287
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 1994
  • Details

Positively parents : caring for a severely disabled child


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117018376
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1994
  • Details

A directory of projects and initiatives with deaf people from minority ethnic communities


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713226
  • University of Bradford Ethnicity and Social Policy Research Unit
  • 1995
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Changing perspectives on benefit take-up


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117018759
  • HMSO
  • 1995
  • Details

Evaluation of Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance : a survey carried out on behalf of the Department of Social Security by the Social Policy Research Unit


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117623512
  • HMSO
  • 1995
  • Details

Social assistance in OECD countries : a study carried out on behalf of the Department of Social Security and the OECD


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117624071
  • HMSO
  • 1996
  • Details

Social assistance in OECD countries : a study carried out on behalf of the Department of Social Security and the OECD by the Social Policy Research Unit


1 edition

  • ISBN: 011762408X
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1996
  • Details

Changing lives and the role of income support


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117624055
  • H.M.S.O.
  • 1996
  • Details

The adequacy of foster care allowances


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1859724272
  • Ashgate
  • 1997
  • Details

Personal accounts : involving disabled children in research


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117021482
  • SPRU
  • 1997
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Using Child Benefit in the family budget


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117021555
  • SPRU
  • 1997
  • Details

Comparative social assistance : localisation and discretion


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1840143460
  • Ashgate
  • 1997
  • Details

Self-employed parents and child maintenance


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117026964
  • HMSO
  • 1998
  • Details

Customer views on service delivery in the child support agency


1 edition

  • ISBN: 0117625833
  • Stationery Office
  • 1998
  • Details

Self-employed people and national insurance contributions


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1841230049
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 1998
  • Details

Housing benefit exceptional hardship payments : the use of discretionary powers


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1841231045
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 1999
  • Details

Learning from older community care clients


1 edition

  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2000
  • Details

A resource pack : developing a key worker service for families with a disabled child


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713420
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2000
  • Details

Sharing value directory


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713528
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2002
  • Details

Social Care Outcomes Seminar : issues for professionals and service users, Woburn House, London, Wednesday 8 May 2002


1 edition

Outcomes into practice : focusing practice and information on the outcomes people value : a resource pack for managers and trainers


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713625
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2003
  • Details

Medical evidence and incapacity benefit : evaluation of a pilot study


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1841235946
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 2003
  • Details

Technology and time : home care regimes and technology-dependent children


1 edition

  • University of York SPRU
  • 2003
  • Details

Evaluation of the Disabled Person's Tax Credit : views and experiences of recipients


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1904983030
  • Inland Revenue
  • 2003
  • Details

Health inequalities and informal care : end of project report


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713831
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2004
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

Participation of disabled children and young people in decision-making within Social Services departments : quality protects research initiative : a survey of current and recent activities in social s


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713688
  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2004
  • Details

The use of the Social Fund by families with children : a study carried out on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781843882756
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2004
  • Details

Job retention and rehabilitation pilot : employers' management of long-term sickness absence


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2004
  • Details

Hearts & minds : the health effects of caring


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2004
  • Details

Desirable outcomes of WORKSTEP : user and provider views


2 editions

  • ISBN: 1841238783
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 2005
  • Details
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2005
  • Details

Research participants views on use of verbatim quotations


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713091
  • University of York, Social Policy Resarch Unit
  • 2005
  • Details

The impact of verbatim quotations on research users : qualitive exploration


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713046
  • University of York
  • 2005
  • Details

Volunteering for employment skills : a qualitative research study


2 editions

  • ISBN: 1871713080
  • University of York, Social Policy Resarch Unit
  • 2005
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • 2005
  • Details

Understanding and measuring personal social services outputs relating to disabled adults and carers : contributions to research led by the Personal Social Services Unit, University of Kent on methods


1 edition

  • ISBN: 1871713137
  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2005
  • Details

Making home care for older people more flexible and person-centred : factors which promote this : Department of Health, end of project report


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713886
  • University of York
  • 2005
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

A question of balance : lone parents, childcare and work


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2005
  • Details

Incapacity benefit reforms pilot : findings from a longitudinal panel of clients


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2005
  • Details

New deal for disabled people : an in-depth study of job broker service delivery


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2005
  • Details

Understanding and measuring personal social services outputs relating to disabled adults and carers : contributions to research led by the Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent on


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2005
  • Details

Outcomes for disabled service users : Department of Health Final Report


2 editions

  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2005
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713930
  • University of York
  • 2007
  • Details

A new vision for adult social care : scoping service users' views


2 editions

  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • 2005
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713787
  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2007
  • Details

Integrating services for disabled children, young people and their families in York : consultation project : final report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713732
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2005
  • Details

Using verbatim quotations in reporting qualitative social research : researchers' views


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713985
  • University of York
  • 2006
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Using verbatim quotations in reporting qualitative social research : the views of research users


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713381
  • University of York
  • 2006
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Minding the money : carers and the management of financial assets in later life : report of a scoping study


2 editions

  • ISBN: 1871713188
  • University of York
  • 2006
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Scoping review on access to information about social care services


2 editions

  • ISBN: 1871713285
  • University of York
  • 2006
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Incapacity benefit reforms pilot : findings from the second cohort in a longitudinal panel of clients


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

Pathways to work from incapacity benefits : a study of experience and use of return to work credit


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

Pathways to work : findings from the final cohort in a qualitative longitudinal panel of incapacity benefits recipients


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

Experiences of the job retention and rehabilitation pilot


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

New deal for disabled people evaluation : eligible population survey, wave three


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

Routes onto incapacity benefits : findings from qualitative research


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

Self-employment and retirement


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2006
  • Details

A review of the research evidence surrounding risk perceptions, risk management strategies and their consequences in adult social care for different groups of service users


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713435
  • University of York
  • 2007
  • Details

Participation of disabled children and young people in decision-making relating to social care


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713336
  • The University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2007
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Priorities and perceptions of disabled children and young people and their parents regarding outcomes from support services


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713534
  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2007
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713534
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2007
  • Details

Routes onto incapacity benefit : findings from a survey of recent claimants


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781847123138
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 2007
  • Details
  • Corporate Document Services
  • 2007
  • Details

Double discrimination? : gender and disability in access to the labour market


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713190
  • University of York SPRU
  • 2007
  • Details

Using verbatim quotations in reporting qualitative social research : a review of selected publications


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713145
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2007
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Child support policy : an international perspective


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2007
  • Details

Priorities and perceptions of disabled children and young people and their parents regarding outcomes from support services. Appendices


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713589
  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2007
  • Details

Routes onto incapacity benefit : findings from a follow-up survey of recent claimants


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781847124050
  • Her Majesty's Stationery Office
  • 2008
  • Details

Domiciliary care agency responses to increased user choice


1 edition

Domiciliary care agency responses to increased user choice : perceived threats, barriers and opportunities from a changing market


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713497
  • University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Understanding the dynamics of decision-making and choice : a scoping study of key psychological theories to inform the design and analysis of the panel study


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713244
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Evaluation of pilot programme of the integrated children's system : the disability study


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713398
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Technical report for SCIE research review on the prevalence and incidence of parental mental health problems and the detection, screening and reporting of parental mental health problems


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713749
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details

Research reviews on prevalence, detection and interventions in parental mental health and child welfare : summary report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713848
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details

Evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme : final report


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713640
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Technical report for SCIE Research Review on access, acceptability and outcomes of services/interventions to support parents with mental health problems and their families


2 editions

  • Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2008
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713794
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details

An evaluation of specialist mental health services for deaf children and young people


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713541
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713541
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Financial implications of death of a partner


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713992
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • ISBN: 9781871713893
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Dimensions of choice : a narrative review of cash-for-care schemes


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781871713572
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Evidence on effectiveness of behavioural interventions of help parents manage sleep problems in young disabled children : a rapid review


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781903959084
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

A minimum income standard for Britain : what people think


2 editions

  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • 2008
  • Details
  • Joseph Rowntree Foundation
  • 2008
  • Details

Managing mental health and employment


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2008
  • Details

Reporting changes in circumstances : tackling error in the housing benefit system : standard housing benefit cases


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2008
  • Details

Mental health and employment


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2008
  • Details

The pathways advisory service : placing employment advisers in GP surgeries


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2008
  • Details

Pathways to work from incapacity benefits : a study of experience and use of the job preparation premium


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2008
  • Details

Evaluation of the Individual Budgets pilot programme : summary report


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2008
  • Details

A comparison of policies designed to enhance child well-being


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781903959060
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

The individual budgets pilot projects : impact and outcomes for carers


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781903959077
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

The effectiveness of behavioural interventions which involve parents in the management of behaviour problems among disabled children: A rapid review


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781903959107
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details

Transitions to adult services by disabled young people leaving out authority residential schools


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781903959114
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Care provision within families and its socio-economic impact on care providers


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781903959121
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details

Reforming long-term care : recent lessons from other countries


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781903959145
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2009
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Understanding the risks of social exclusion across the life course. Youth and young adulthood : a research report for the Social Exclusion Task Force, Cabinet Office


1 edition

Provider-led pathways : experiences and views of early implementation


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2009
  • Details

Pathways to work from incapacity benefits : a study of referral practices and liaison between Jobcentre Plus advisers and service providers


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2009
  • Details

Pathways to work from incapacity benefits : a review of research findings on referral practices and liaison with service providers


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2009
  • Details

Trends and changes in household and personal circumstances on death of a partner in England and Wales, 1971 to 2001


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265013
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Integrated services for people with long-term neurological conditions : evaluation of the impact of the national service framework : project 08/1610/124


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265037
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Rapid systematic review of international evidence on integrated models of care for people with long-term neurological conditions : technical report : project 08/1610/124


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265044
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Integrated services for people with long-term neurological conditions : evaluation of the impact of the national service framework : appendices : project 08/1610/124


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265068
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Maltreatment and allegations of maltreatment in foster care : a review of the evidence


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265051
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

Home care re-ablement services : investigating the longer-term impacts (prospective longitudinal study)


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265082
  • University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Meta-review of international evidence on interventions to support carers


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265075
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

Models of multi-agency services for transition to adult services for disabled young people and those with complex health needs : impact and costs September 2010


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781907265105
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • 2010
  • Details

Mode effects in qualitative interviews : a comparison of semi-structured face-to-face and telephone interviews using conversation analysis


1 edition

  • University of York, Social Policy Research Unit
  • 2010
  • Details

A qualitative study exploring employers' recruitment behaviour and decisions : small and medium enterprises


1 edition

  • Dept. for Work and Pensions
  • 2011
  • Details

Health, work and well-being : a study of the co-ordinator and challenge fund initiatives


1 edition

  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2012
  • Details

Proposal for the evaluation of personal health budgets pilots


1 edition

  • Department of Health
  • 2012
  • Details

Self-employment, tax credits and the move to universal credit


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781909532205
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • 2013
  • Details

The prevalence, characteristics and distribution of child poverty in the North East region


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Research participants' views on use of verbatim quotations


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

The impact of verbatim quotations on research users : qualitative exploration


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, The University of York
  • Details

Choice and independence over the lifecourse : final report to the Department of Health


2 editions

  • ISBN: 9781907265136
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Models of multi-agency services for transition to adult services for disabled young people and those with complex health needs : impact and costs


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

The effectiveness of behavioural interventions which involve parents in the management of behaviour problems among disabled children : a rapid review


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Outcomes for parents with disabled children and carers of disabled or older adults : similarities, differences and the implications for assessment practice


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713480
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Housing and disabled children : a review of policy levers and opportunities : report prepared for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713442
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Care and support needs of children and young people with cancer and leukaemia and their families


1 edition

  • SPRU, The University of York
  • Details

Investigating the longer term impact of home care re-ablement services : the short-term outcomes and costs of home care re-ablement services : interim report


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Investigating the longer term impact of home care re-ablement services : the organisation and content of home care re-ablement services : interim report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781907265006
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Care provision within families and its socio-economic impact on care providers : report for the European Commission DG EMPL negotiated procedure VT/2007/114


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

The national evaluation of the individual budgets pilot programme


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Transition to adult services and adulthood for young people with autistic spectrum conditions : final report


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781907265204
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Transition to adult services and adulthood for young people with autistic spectrum conditions


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Appendices to - An evaluation of specialist mental health services for deaf children and young people


1 edition

  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Financial implications of death of a partner. Annexes to chapters 3-6 : statistical data and analysis


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713992
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details

Financial implications of death of a partner. Appendices A-F, Design, research methods and instruments


1 edition

  • ISBN: 9781871713947
  • Social Policy Research Unit, University of York
  • Details is a Good Stuff website.